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Taking Back Mary Ellen BlackTaking Back Mary Ellen Black

August 2005
Harlequin Next
ISBN 0-373-88049-9

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."
— William Shakespeare

A starter marriage hadn't been the first act Mary Ellen Black had meant to script for herself, but bowing out provided hard-won perspective: The most important things in life were not things at all, but the people she held dear. In her case, the lovable eccentrics she called family, the ones who were more than ready to support her leading role — if only she'd step into the spotlight. So now Mary Ellen's drafted act two — her return home — and she's pretty sure she's ready for the performance of Her Life, starring a strong, single mother of two.

She's all dressed up and ready to take on the world...and take back the woman she was meant to be.


"Taking Back Mary Ellen Black (4.5) by Lisa Childs is vividly set in a working-class neighborhood with sympathetic characters who provide humor and warmth. Strong growth, not just in the heroine's life but also in her view of the people she's known forever, adds depth to the story. The hero is great, as is the growing relationship between them." -- Page Traynor, RT BookClub


Usually, the A, B, Cs start it all, the beginning of the alphabet, of words, sounds, books. In this case, the first chapter of my life will start with D, for divorce, which, in some ways, is really when my life began — when I first took back Mary Ellen Black.

My husband, ex-husband as of today, hadn't wanted her, hadn't even bothered to turn up at the courthouse to contest my asking the judge for my name back, the name I'd been born with but couldn't use again until I was told it was legal. Eddie hadn't contested my full custody of the girls, either; he knew pushover Mary Ellen would let him see them whenever he wanted. But he hadn't wanted, not since he'd walked out on us for the twenty-year-old waitress at the restaurant he owned — or barely owned. If what he'd convinced the Friend of the Court was true, the restaurant was losing so much money that he couldn't pay child support.

And so I was stuck where I sat, in my grandmother's car, in the alley behind my parents' house in the old West Side Grand Rapids neighborhood where I'd grown up and where I'd had to return after the bank had foreclosed on my gorgeous six-year-old house in Cascade. The repo man had taken my SUV, so I had Grandma's Bonneville to use since her cataracts prevented her from driving anymore. Of course, she could still keep track of ten bingo cards every Saturday morning at Saint Adalbert's.

Sitting in the car behind my parents' house wasn't going to help me figure out how everything had gone so wrong. I knew that, but still I couldn't summon the energy necessary to open the car door and crawl out. I'd done enough crawling when I'd begged Eddie to come back, to work things out, and then when I'd lost the house, I'd crawled home to Mom, Daddy and Grandma.

No, Mary Ellen Nowicki had done all the crawling; Mary Ellen Black was stronger than that. I didn't know much else about her anymore, but I knew that. Yet still I slumped on the bench seat of Grandma's old Bonneville. No wonder her blue-haired head didn't show above the steering wheel. This seat was low, really low.

I glanced over the wheel and around the alley. No yard. Just the big, square two-story house where I'd grown up, the alley and the detached garage. Inside the dark shadows of the garage, the tip of a cigarette glowed. Dad had knocked off early from the butcher shop and was checking his oil. That's what he told Mom he was doing when he was really out getting a smoke. Nobody checked his oil as often as Dad did.

If he wanted to talk to me, he would have stepped out. Despite living in the same house since the foreclosure on mine a few months ago, we'd managed pretty well to avoid each other. I was his little princess, and he had always sworn to protect me from all the bad things in the world. He couldn't protect me from this. And that hurt him more than it did me. I had grown up; I was responsible for my own happiness or lack thereof.

I pushed away the fleeting thought of turning the key in the ignition and backing out of the alley. Three blocks farther down was a bar, a strip club now. I could get a drink there. The fact that I didn't drink didn't erase the temptation. Hell, maybe I could even get a job there. Divorce was the only successful diet I'd ever gone on. My clothes hung on me.

A glance in the rearview mirror revealed lank, brown hair and a washed-out face. Yeah, like I could get a job in a strip club. I probably wouldn't make as much as I did waiting tables at the VFW, and the biggest tips the vets gave were quarters. That was the only job I'd been able to get since being out of the workforce so long, as a stay-at-home mom. Before dropping out of design school to marry Eddie, the only job I'd ever had was waiting tables. But the job at the VFW was only temporary while the regular waitress was healing from a broken hip.

With a heavy sigh, I threw open the creaky door. Dad couldn't ignore that sound. Nothing moved in the garage but the glowing tip of the cigarette. "Daddy?"

He eased out of the shadows toward the gravel driveway. "Mary Ellen?" He never lifted his gaze from the tip of his contraband.

"Yeah, Dad." It's me. Look at me! But we weren't that kind of family. We didn't face our problems. We ignored them until they walked out on us. We both turned our heads, scanning the alley and the little ribbon of grass between the garage and the house. "'so, Mom's gone?" I asked.

"Yeah, she took the girls and her mother to the store. Thought you might want to be alone after…"

But I wasn't alone, not if he would look at me and talk to me, really talk to me. But that wasn't happening. And Mom, fearing that I might fall apart in front of my children, had taken them away. I wasn't allowed to fall apart with anyone. I had to do it in private, crying into the lumpy mattress of the foldout bed of the couch in the den. Maybe I didn't want to wait until I was alone in the dark to fall apart. Not that I wanted to fall apart. "That was nice of her," I said.

He nodded. "Yeah, your mother's really worried about you. So are the girls."

They'd had to leave their home and their school. Next week they'd start at a new school where they knew only a handful of neighborhood kids they'd met over the summer. Their world had fallen apart, and they were scared that I couldn't fix it. They weren't the only ones.

"I'll be fine, Daddy." Maybe if I repeated the lie enough, I'd believe it, like I had believed Eddie and I had had the perfect marriage, the perfect life…until debt and infidelity had eaten it away.

"Yeah, you've always been a smart girl, Mary Ellen. A real smart girl."

The laugh slipped out. Daddy was the only one who ever complimented me, but he didn't have a clue. "Thanks, Dad."

"I mean it, Mary." I detected a slight slur and eased closer to him. Beer breath almost covered the scent of blood and garlic that clung to his clothes. So he still had another stash from Mom; I'd thought he'd given up drinking years ago. With his high blood pressure and his high cholesterol, cigarettes and alcohol weren't just forbidden, they were suicidal. If only I'd had an ounce of my father's strong, stubborn will…

"Got another one, Dad?"


Since my eyes were already tearing up, I doubt I could adopt that vice of his. And I'd die if my girls ever saw me smoking. "A beer."

"You don't drink."

"I just started."

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